Sunday, 18 March 2018

SPO600 Project - Stage 1

REDIS (Remote Dictionary Server)

I chose the Redis open source package for the SPO600 Project Stage1.

Redis (Remote Dictionary Server) is a kind of NoSQL for storing and managing non-relational data of 'key-value' structure. It was first developed by Salvatore Sanfilippo in 2009. Redis Labs has been supporting it since 2015. It is a memory-based DBMS that loads and processes all data into memory. Moreover, Redis follows the BSD license. According to's monthly rankings, Redis is the most popular key-value store.

Redis supports various data types.
String: Supports up to 512 Mbytes in length as a regular string. It can store not only Text strings, but also binary files such as Integer and numbers and JPEGs.
Sets: Redis is a random ordered set of strings. Set can operate intersection, difference of set, etc., but it is very fast.
Sorted Set: A data type with a field named "Score" added to the Set. This is similar to sets.
Sorted sets are very fast to add, delete, and update elements.
Hashes: A data type that can store a pair of field/string values within a value.
List: A simple list of strings. They are sorted by the input order.

First of all, I had to install Redis. Learn how to install and run. The installation files and how to run them are on the Redis site. Redis is also open source and can be downloaded from GitHub.

Redis site:

$ wget
$ tar xzf redis-4.0.8.tar.gz
$ cd redis-4.0.8
$ make

$ src/redis-server
$ src/redis-cli

Let's test a simple key-value.

In the above image, you can see that Redis is installed normally. If so, let's try measuring the performance of Redis. Redis performance measurements are provided by Redis itself. The performance of all software depends on the specifications of the server. So let's first look at the specification of the server.

First, let's check the processing speed according to the amount of data. The unit is bytes. Up to 10000 bytes, the data processing speed does not show much difference, but it is sharply decreasing.
Second, the time taken to process 1000000 commands was measured for each function. We can see that it takes similar processing time except Get function

I tested separately the Hset function which stored by the Hash field. Because the Hset function will be tested in detail on Stage2.

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SPO600 Project - Stage 3

I chose Redis (Remote Dictionary Server) for my project at stage1. Redis is open source software developed by Salvatore Sanfilippo, a volati...